The 1st EU CAP Network Workshop ‘National networking for innovation’ took place in Tallinn, Estonia. Almost 200 people participated, mostly policy makers from the ministries.
Dr. Francisco Javier Rodríguez Rigueiro from the University of Santiago de Compostela was presenting the project Oper8 in the general session.
The workshop targeted Network Support Units (NSU) from the National CAP Networks, national and regional Managing Authorities, and AKIS Coordination Bodies.
Specific objectives
- discuss and exchange ideas with National CAP Networks on their role in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) and the related tasks and objectives as stipulated by Art. 126(3)(e) and 126(4)(d)(e);
- share different networking approaches and tools to support a well-functioning AKIS, and exchange ideas on ongoing and planned networking activities with a view on identifying synergies and complementarities, such as cross-border and transnational cooperation;
- stimulate further collaboration between National CAP Networks and the European CAP Network in the context of networking for innovation and knowledge exchange.
Who participated?
The workshop targeted Network Support Units (NSU) from the National CAP Networks, national and regional Managing Authorities, and AKIS Coordination Bodies, in EU Member States, and National Contact Points for Horizon AKIS-related multi-actor projects and coordinators of Horizon thematic and advisory networks sharing knowledge and innovation, and seeking connection with EIP-AGRI Operational Groups.
9 Horizon multi-actor projects explain participants how they support AKIS interactions for transnational knowledge flows: modernAKIS – ATTRACTISS –
EU-FarmBook – PREMIERE – AF4EU – B-Thenet – FOREST4EU – BroilerNET – NUTRI-KNOW.