About us
The establishment of a strong European network
The operational groups involved are farming organisations, applied researchers and academic institutions across Europe. Our main objective is to communicate alternative weed control solutions of each operational group to key stakeholders through networks across the EU.

The establishment of a strong European network
First, we will establish needs for alternative weed control and barriers for implementation across each network. Then, we will create an inventory of solutions for these needs, barriers and gaps. National action plans will be developed based on these solutions and then critically evaluated by stakeholders in a cost- benefit analysis, whilst also assessing relevance of solutions to each country/region involved.
Sharing practices on alternative weed control
Outcomes will be available as fact sheets, videos, e-learning modules and other audio-visual material. Best practises and audio-visual material will be demonstrated at regional/ national agricultural fairs. Policy recommendations will be put forward from each country. On farm demonstrations will respond to specific needs and precise demand. Demo-farmers will share their experiences with other practitioners through different field events.

Our partners in Oper8
Agricultural University of Athens
Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) is the 3rd oldest University in Greece. Since 1920, contributes consistently and continuously to the primary sector development, by conducting basic and applied research in agricultural related sciences, while offering high-level undergraduate and postgraduate education in Agricultural Science. AUA’s research endeavors are focused on various issues related to food safety and environmental protection, including but not limited to precision agriculture, imaging, AI and robotics, web applications, and databases.
ADAS is the UK’s largest independent provider of agricultural and environmental consultancy, policy advice and research and development. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment. With over 75 years of experience in the farming and environmental sector, we translate science into pragmatic, workable solutions for farmers, landowners, corporate organisations, and government.
Agromet deals with Precision Agriculture applications in a wide range of agricultural crops for the past 10 years. Starting from the targeted case study of each farmer and his specific needs, we design and recommend the best solutions using the most efficient smart farming technologies and equipment. They incude: GPS Systems, Laser Levelling Systems, Application Control, Tracking & Monitoring Systems, Metric Tools, Weather Systems, Services
Agroväst’s mission is to contribute to a proftable and sustainable farming based on high technical standards and good consumer relations. We do this by facilitating an effective dialogue between farmers, the food industry, technology providers and the academy, and by creating possiblities to form projects and attract funds to strengthen farmers and small rural enterprises in West Sweden.
CiRAA is the largest agricultural experimental centre in Italy and one of the largest in Europe. CiRAA mainly conducts on-farm research and regularly organizes demonstration activities to involve local stakeholders in new developments and products. Plot-scale experiments are usually included in the layout of larger scale (field) experiments, several of which have been designed as long-term experiments. The main research topics of CiRAA include: conservation agriculture in arable, field vegetable and tree cropping systems, cover crops, intercropping and agroforestry, physical and cultural weed control, organic farming, agroecology.
Lorenzo Tramacere
Research Associate
French Wine and Vine institute (IFV)
The French Wine and Vine institute (IFV) is the French research and experimentation center for viticulture and wine production. Its aim is to carry applied research and transfer activities for the French wine industry (farmers, farmers association, advisors, private companies…). There are 20 units within the different wine regions of France, and 3 experimental farms. A wide range of projects addresses all current challenges including climate change, disease management and pesticides reduction, winemaking process, soil management, machinery, robots, plant production and innovation. These projects are sometimes co-organized with other partners, and are at local, national, or European scales. Demonstrations and training sessions are being held regularly. IFV is also a French vine selection center through its ENTAV-INRA label.
Camille Guilbert
Viticulture project leader
Latvia University of Life Sciences & Technologies
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU) is a multi-profile higher education and research institution with a solid tradition of close EU and transnational cooperation, established in 1939. The University’s strategy in science aligns with two key general directions, namely the research on sustainable use of basic bioeconomy resources such as land, soil, and water, as well as the technological development and adaptation of systems for the production of high-quality agricultural and forest products.
Organic Research Centre
The ORC is committed to improving farming, food, and health in the UK and internationally. Their mission includes promoting environmental sustainability, quality food, and well-being for all. The ORC works with over 200 organizations from the farming sector to research and develop sustainable land management and food production systems, based on organic and agro-ecological principles. The ORC also fosters knowledge exchange between food businesses, producers, and professionals to influence policy and public debate on the future of food and farming.
University of Santiago de Compostela (USC)
The University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) highlights as education and research institution, being founded in 1495 and leading usually the Spanish university rankings, but also obtaining a remarkable position globally. The USC-SILVOPAST research group presents a research focus on grasslands, crops, forestry and integrated land use systems including agroforestry and agroecology. This research group has participated in more than 30 research and innovation projects at the regional, national and European levels with a broad expertise including the coordination of the H2020 AFINET and Horizon Europe AF4EU projects.
Zemnieku Saeima
Union “Farmers‘ Parliament”, Latvia (ZSA) is one of the leading non-governmental farmers‘ organizations in Latvia, bringing together around 800 active farmers as members (farms which produce more than 50% of Latvian crop and more than 30% of dairy produce). ZSA is representing farmers interests in Latvia and EU (COPA- COCEGA member), provides professional representation and services to members and wider society. The organization is active in EU different programmes’ projects in order to test and bring different innovations in agriculture sector of Latvia. ZSA has experience in providing training and information services to the farming community, as well as the legislative framework for rural entrepreneurship and development. ZSA has wide network of stakeholders and experience on information dissemination activities.