Our NNO for Italy, Lorenzo Tramacere attended the Climed Fruit contest, where researchers across all Europe shared the results of their OG related to innovative approaches in sustainable perennial crops management.
He performed a pitch intetled: “The use of a self-reseeding cover crop under the rows: an agroecological solution to reduce tillage and herbicide use in vineyards”
Watch the presentation in the ClimedFruit web conference. The practice was developed in the IO-CONCIV EIP-AGRI Operational Group and is being improved in the #Oper8 Thematic Network.
Discover the promising results of this agroecological solution to improve soil health and contrast weeds in vineyards.

28 speakers and more than 1,000 participants participated from all over Europe
The online Climed-Fruit conference held on 12 and 13 March brought together 28 speakers and more than 1,000 participants from all over Europe: a unique opportunity to learn about new knowledge and practices for tackling climate change.
Couldn’t make it to the conference? No problem….