Thu, Mar 14, 2024

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Three webinar | Oper8

Webinars about alternative weed control available!

Oper8 project draws upon the expertise of eight Operational Groups (OGs) in seven countries, with the aim of fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange and innovation. To this end, three webinars have been held during the first half of the project’s lifespan. Enjoy!

Oper8 - event in IT - Newsletter

Oper8 Italian team attended “Enovitis Novitis in Campo” in June

This is the only fair in Italy entirely dedicated to viticulture technologies. The event was held in Castel San Pietro close to Bologna. The core of the event is the demonstrations and trials carried out in realistic conditions, allowing visitors to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of the showcased machines and practices.

During the last months there have been a lot of activities in Italy. Read more about all event taking place in Italy:

  • Participation at the annual event “Agroecologia al Centro”, focused on Functional Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. Read more here
  • Luciano Pagano from the Oper8 UNIPI team attended the 13th AIEAA (Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics) Conference on the topic “The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Read more here
  • Italian Agritech Event Showcases Innovative Weed Control Technology and the Oper8 Project. Read more here
  • Attendance at the demo farm event titled “Zürn Top Cut Collect, rethink the control of weeds”, held in Lendinara, near Rovigo. Read more here
  • Oper8 attended the conference titled “Robotics and Digitalization in Viticulture”, near Florence, Italy. Read more here
Oper8 - fair in Sweden 2024

Oper8 attended Borgeby Fältdagar – the largest Agricultural fair in Sweden

Borgeby Fältdagar is an agricultural fair in the south of Sweden. A down-to-earth, specialised fair with a clear focus on the professional farmer and the meeting place for everyone who has agriculture as their main interest and occupation.

During the fair, we had the opportunity to talk about the Oper8 project directly with our target audience, resulting in many interesting and fruitful discussions at our booth and when alternative weed control solutions were presented elsewhere at the fair.

Examples of these were automated spot-spraying using a camera attached to the tractor’s roof presented by PerPlant ( and Farmdroid that are about to launch a service with spot spraying as an alternative to their mechanical weeding using robots. Innovative spraying solutions were also demonstrated, among these Cultiwise solution for variable rate applications of herbicides using prescription maps produced using drone imagery (

This year, the fair attracted almost 19 900 visitors and 415 exhibitors over two days in the end of June.

Sunny weather on the annual regional field day at farm Bjertorp in Sweden

Lantmännen, the largest Swedish grain merchant, a coop owned by 18 000 farmers and activities all the way from field to fork arranged the annual regional field day at their farm Bjertorp in May.

The Oper-8 project was presented by Thomas Börjesson as one of two speakers on alternative weed control in arable crops.

Oper8 podcast - newsletter

New episodes released

Listen to our podcast episodes that take us on an enlightening journey as we explore a range of fascinating topics in alternative weed control.
The episodes are produced by our eight operational groups.

There are already eight episodes to listen to as we dive straight into the field of alternative weed control methods. Join us as we uncover eco-friendly methods, share expert knowledge and discuss sustainable weed control practices.

2024 Oper8 represented in events NL ADAS

EWRS Working Group Meeting – Physical and Cultural Weed Control

During May 27th – 29th a workshop was held in Wageningen, Netherlands, where attendees from numerous countries across Europe, Asia and the USA participated. There where both senior researchers and early career scientists represented.
This workshop consisted of presentations, posters, discussion groups and demonstration events focused around physical and cultural weed control.

Katy Hebditch from ADAS presented an Oper8 poster, which focused on key survey results and the development of weed ‘National Action Plans’. Given the meeting’s strong emphasis on new research, this poster offered a refreshing perspective by instead concentrating on the dissemination and communication of existing research to key stakeholders in EU farming.

Oper8 - demo event video - Newsletter

Demonstration event in Greek vineyards showcasing spraying drones

Helenos Konstantinos Grivakis, research associate at the Agricultural University of Athens, presents the technology of spraying drones, during a live demonstration event held in Kiato, Greece.

See all our demo videos from our partners participating in the project.

Oper8 - Demo videos
Facebook icon Website icon Twitter icon YouTube icon LinkedIn icon Webinars about alternative weed control available! Oper8 project draws upon the expertise of eight Operational Groups (OGs) in seven countries, with the aim of fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange and innovation. To this end, three webinars have been held during the first half of the project's lifespan. Enjoy! LINK TO THE WEBINARS Oper8 Italian team attended “Enovitis Novitis in Campo” in June This is the only fair in Italy entirely dedicated to viticulture technologies. The event was held in Castel San Pietro close to Bologna. The core of the event is the demonstrations and trials carried out in realistic conditions, allowing visitors to evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of the showcased machines and practices. READ MORE During the last months there have been a lot of activities in Italy. Read more about all event taking place in Italy: Participation at the annual event “Agroecologia al Centro”, focused on Functional Biodiversity in Agroecosystems. Read more here Luciano Pagano from the Oper8 UNIPI team attended the 13th AIEAA (Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics) Conference on the topic “The social sustainability of European agriculture facing old and new challenges. Read more here Italian Agritech Event Showcases Innovative Weed Control Technology and the Oper8 Project. Read more here Attendance at the demo farm event titled “Zürn Top Cut Collect, rethink the control of weeds”, held in Lendinara, near Rovigo. Read more here Oper8 attended the conference titled “Robotics and Digitalization in Viticulture”, near Florence, Italy. Read more here Oper8 attended Borgeby Fältdagar – the largest Agricultural fair in Sweden Borgeby Fältdagar is an agricultural fair in the south of Sweden. A down-to-earth, specialised fair with a clear focus on the professional farmer and the meeting place for everyone who has agriculture as their main interest and occupation. During the fair, we had the opportunity to talk about the Oper8 project directly with our target audience, resulting in many interesting and fruitful discussions at our booth and when alternative weed control solutions were presented elsewhere at the fair. Examples of these were automated spot-spraying using a camera attached to the tractor’s roof presented by PerPlant ( and Farmdroid that are about to launch a service with spot spraying as an alternative to their mechanical weeding using robots. Innovative spraying solutions were also demonstrated, among these Cultiwise solution for variable rate applications of herbicides using prescription maps produced using drone imagery ( This year, the fair attracted almost 19 900 visitors and 415 exhibitors over two days in the end of June. READ MORE Sunny weather on the annual regional field day at farm Bjertorp in Sweden Lantmännen, the largest Swedish grain merchant, a coop owned by 18 000 farmers and activities all the way from field to fork arranged the annual regional field day at their farm Bjertorp in May. The Oper-8 project was presented by Thomas Börjesson as one of two speakers on alternative weed control in arable crops. READ MORE New episodes released Listen to our podcast episodes that take us on an enlightening journey as we explore a range of fascinating topics in alternative weed control. The episodes are produced by our eight operational groups. There are already eight episodes to listen to as we dive straight into the field of alternative weed control methods. Join us as we uncover eco-friendly methods, share expert knowledge and discuss sustainable weed control practices. LISTEN TO THE EPISODES EWRS Working Group Meeting – Physical and Cultural Weed Control During May 27th – 29th a workshop was held in Wageningen, Netherlands, where attendees from numerous countries across Europe, Asia and the USA participated. There where both senior researchers and early career scientists represented. This workshop consisted of presentations, posters, discussion groups and demonstration events focused around physical and cultural weed control. Katy Hebditch from ADAS presented an Oper8 poster, which focused on key survey results and the development of weed ‘National Action Plans’. Given the meeting’s strong emphasis on new research, this poster offered a refreshing perspective by instead concentrating on the dissemination and communication of existing research to key stakeholders in EU farming. READ MORE Demonstration event in Greek vineyards showcasing spraying drones Helenos Konstantinos Grivakis, research associate at the Agricultural University of Athens, presents the technology of spraying drones, during a live demonstration event held in Kiato, Greece. WATCH VIDEO FROM GREECE See all our demo videos from our partners participating in the project. SEE ALL DEMO VIDEOS Oper8 presented at the Silfore Project Meeting in Spain

Oper8 presented at the Silfore Project Meeting in Spain

A highly relevant meeting recently took place in the framework of the Life Silfore project at the USC Terra Campus of the Superior Polytechnic School of Engineering (EPSE). The international initiative presented several possibilities for intervention in actions to improve the resilience of forests to climate change, through tests that include the introduction of fauna and flora species for the regeneration of forests.

Managed by the Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development (Neiker), the intervention is integrated in several regions, among these Galicia.

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This Project has received funding from The European Union Horizon 2021 Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Programme under grant agreement 101060591

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