Sister projects

Uniting for Change and Growth

On this page, we feature similar projects, each sharing our vision to make a meaningful impact. Together, we enrich one another and our target groups with innovative results, fostering a community of growth and learning.

PestNu develops digital and space-based technologies combined with agro-ecological practices, reducing reliance on pesticides and minimizing pollution in circular food production.

The IPM Decisions Platform provides a “one stop shop” for decisions support in integrated pest management. It is a web-based framework providing farmers, advisors and researchers access to a wide range of Decision Support Systems and weather data from across Europe through a set of four dashboards.

Climed-Fruit sister project | Oper8

The EU project CLIMED-FRUIT (Adaptation to climate change and mitigation for perennial crops in Mediterranean Area) aims to collect solutions and field-tested practices developed all around Europe to increase resilience to climate change by major perennial crops in Southern Europe, like grapes, olives, citrus, avocado, stone fruits, nuts and others. 

EU Farmbook sister project | Oper8

EU-FarmBook is a Horizon Europe project that is working at regional, national, and European (EU) levels to build an Online Platform. Gathering and sharing agriculture and forestry knowledge.  EU-FarmBook is the answer to real needs of farmers, foresters and advisors. The Horizon Europe project offers an interactive, multi-lingual meeting place for agriculture and forestry communities, giving access to trustworthy knowledge objects according to findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable (FAIR) data principles. EU-FarmBook users can interact and explore innovative ways to solve their daily challenges. 

Agrocology sister project | Oper8

Agricology is an independent knowledge platform supporting all farmers and growers to transition to more sustainable and resilient farming systems. It is a free platform, open to everyone, and was set up in response to increasing challenges of declining soil fertility, climate change, declining biodiversity and the need to rethink the way we tend the land 

FarmPEP sister project | Oper8

FarmPEP has been co-designed by an industry wide partnership supported by Innovate UK to connect across agriculture, enabling knowledge exchange through a Performance Enhancement Platform. FarmPEP connects people, organisations, initiatives and resources with Topics. Each Topic has a page where trusted information is distilled into a Wikipedia-style summary with recommendations for useful content and organisations. 

DeAgEcol sister project | Oper8

D4AgEcol will show the potentials of digitalisation as enabler for agroecological farming systems in Europe based on available knowledge and actors and stakeholders co-innovation capacity.

Partners from seven countries across a wide spectrum of pedoclimatic zones in Europe will assemble a holistic evaluation of digital tools and technologies. This will be based on indicators for agroecology, economic considerations and investigations about perceived benefits for user and stakeholder. Drivers, barriers and risks of digital technologies for a transformation towards agroecology will be identified. The results of this analysis will feed in national and European roadmaps for agroecology, indicating the need for adjusted policies and a technology research and innovation agenda. 

FORTUNA sister project | Oper8

The Horizon Europe project ‘FORTUNA – Future Innovation for Pesticide Use Reduction in Agriculture’ is a three-year initiative that seeks to identify knowledge gaps and challenges in plant protection beyond 2030, highlighting the need for further research. The project will analyse the results of ongoing or completed national and European projects and applied research. The eleven FORTUNA partner organisations, together with stakeholders from the farming community and the value chain, will collect successful methods and strategies that have already been proven to reduce pesticide use and risks. 

Good Agreology logo| Oper8

GOOD co-creates innovative, systemic and sustainable agroecological weed management solutions through the deployment of Living Labs and encourages a long-term and large-scale transition to sustainable biodiversity- based agri-food systems through the development of the first Agroecological Weed Management Network.

ICAERUS sister project | Oper8

Icaerus is dedicated to exploring the multipurpose applications of drones in agriculture, forestry, and rural communities.

The ICAERUS project focuses on five specific drone applications, each addressing crucial sectoral and societal needs across Europe’s diverse rural landscape. Our aim is to identify associated risks and added values, providing a comprehensive understanding of drones’ potential impact and benefits as multi-purpose vehicles.



The Three Rows project aims to develop a new system of rotational cereal cultivation with permanent cover crops, and autonomous and energy-efficient technologies to manage this system.
This is important in order to maintain or increase biodiversity and reduce energy demand in commercial cereal farming, either organic or conventional.
A permanent cover crop also improves soil water retention, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, reduces fertiliser requirements, reduces the risk of herbicide resistance in weeds and the effects of pests.


The LIFE SILFORE project aims to enhance the resilience of Atlantic and sub-Atlantic forests to climate change by implementing silvopastoral practices that combine forest management with grazing by indigenous livestock breeds. By reducing combustible biomass through grazing, the project seeks to lower fire risks, increase biodiversity, and conserve ecosystem services. Spanning from September 2022 to August 2027, LIFE SILFORE conducts pilot tests in 11 forest plots across four regions in southern Europe, demonstrating the benefits of silvopastoral management in adapting forests to changing climatic conditions.

AdvisoryNetPEST logo | Oper8

The AdvisoryNetPEST project aims to network and upgrade advisory services across the EU to increase the sharing of knowledge and the adoption of innovative solutions to reduce the use and risks of pesticides (RURP) in all EU Member States, enabling the agricultural sector to achieve the targets proposed by the Farm to Fork Strategy.

Sous Soil logo | Oper8

SUS-SOIL is a Horizon Europe project dedicated to improving subsoil health through agroecological land management. With 15 Subsoil-Living Labs across diverse European and Mediterranean regions, it fosters innovation by co-developing sustainable practices that enhance ecosystem services, water security, and climate resilience. By integrating a Subsoil Monitoring Database, Decision Support Tools, and policy frameworks, SUS-SOIL empowers land managers and policymakers to adopt evidence-based solutions for healthier soils and a more sustainable future.

AF4EU logo | Oper8

AF4EU promotes agroforestry in Europe through 11 Regional Agroforestry Innovation Networks (RAINs) across diverse biogeographical areas: Atlantic, Mediterranean, Continental, and Boreal. These networks connect farmers, advisors, and policymakers to share knowledge and develop region-specific agroforestry solutions. By expanding on the successful AFINET model, AF4EU ensures practical innovation tailored to different climates and farming conditions, fostering sustainable land use and rural development.