The 3rd Oper8 webinar focused on robots and robotics, where 88 participants among all stakeholder categories joined the online event, from all over Europe.

Four speakers took part and gave an insight on the latest news about robots, from both on-field commercial and research and technical perspectives.  Two speakers are currently involved in the Oper8 project, and two other speakers were invited as industry representatives of commercial robot solutions, for the field vegetables and vineyards sectors.

Details have been provided about the adapted crop and contexts for a robot use, technical information for a proper use, advantages and drawbacks of these solutions, trial results, available tools to be used on the robots.

The post-webinar survey gave a good score for the event and showed great satisfaction about the content as well as the format. Next webinar will be in fall 2024, more information to come in a few months.

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Summary from #3 webinar | Oper8

Welcome and listen to our previous webinars about alternative weed control.

#1 – Webinar alternative weed control – Electrical weeding solution

#2 – Webinar – Cover crops use across Europe Solutions for alternative weed control